Susan’s Story – Part 1: Business Strategy Case Studies

business strategy case studies,testimonialsThere’s nothing quite as powerful as a testimonial – or authentic business strategy case studies.  Let’s follow the story of a client who chose Ride the Tide Coaching, and see what kind of changes she was able to obtain.Susan is a local business owner who is, by all outward appearances, successful.  She and her husband work together in their self-established business and it has been growing steadily for the past few years.  Susan finds herself wearing all kinds of “hats”- and they are getting heavier all the time!

In earlier years, when the business was pretty small, things seemed to perk along without too much stress.  But now Susan finds herself “burning the candle at both ends”.

What are her responsibilities?

Well, she is first a wife and also a mom as well as chief CEO for her business.  But the fact is, she feels much more like a SLAVE.


Overworked, Overwhelmed and (not) Overjoyed

In just her business life alone she is responsible for advertising, marketing, interviewing, hiring, training, quality control, follow up, handling client concerns, and even working in the trenches herself when the need arises (and it has been arising a whole lot lately).

Susan is running herself ragged and she’s finding little joy in her work anymore.

She feels overwhelmed, guilty (needs more time at home), stressed, frustrated, and discouraged.  She certainly can’t do it all any longer, but what other answer is there?

She doesn’t have the funds to hire out all of these responsibilities to someone else – and besides, she feels the need to keep her finger on the pulse of her growing company – it was built on a foundation of excellence and she intends to keep it that way!

Maybe you can relate to Susan as an entrepreneur or small business owner.  Do you sometimes feel as if you need to be a “jack of all trades” but run out of time and energy to keep your head above water?business strategy case studies,hamster wheel

Are you spinning so many plates – frantically racing from one to the next to keep everything moving along without anything crashing to the ground and splintering?

If you could spend a few moments talking to Susan, she would tell you that you wouldn’t be able to keep doing it all.

Something has to give.

What will it be?  Will you give up your business?  Your family?  Your health?

None of these options were acceptable ones for Susan.  That’s when she heard about business coaching and a light bulb went off in her head.  The idea of talking with a supportive person, focusing on her business and pinpointing what things were not working well, and then brainstorming for solutions, was highly appealing to her.

Come on with me and follow Susan’s story and take a peek into her coaching sessions – and see what happened next!

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